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External Invoicing is a web based invoicing system for all types of people and businesses trying to reduce their carbon footprint by reducing the amount of paper they churn through and reduce the amount of manual administration usually associated with large amounts of invoices.

Create an account

To create an account, fill in the form with your details. If you go by an different entertainers name please put it in this field. For invoice type please choose the most relevant area of work from the drop down Please ensure that your Bank Details are correct as these will be used to make payment. Once you have submitted your details you will receive an email to the email address you provided. Please click the link provided and set a password.

Editing your account

You can change your password or account details at any time by clicking "my account". Please ensure your bank details are always up-to-date. You can change your password at any point by entering your old password and then what it should change to. If you ever forget your password click the forgotten password link on www.externalinvoicing.co.uk and a new link will be emailed to you.

How does invoicing work

External Invoicing facilitates the process of submitting invoices by filling in a simple form of hours worked at which venues. All information is securely stored and displayed as part of your online account. All invoices can be viewed by signing in and clicking home to see your dashboard. The dashboard allows you to add new invoices, track current invoices and view archived invoices.

Archived invoices

Stores all invoice requests that have been approved, processed and marked as paid. You can click on any of these invoices to see the details. Below the details of your invoice you can see the approval and any notes that are relevant.

Current invoices

Displays all the invoices you have recently submitted and have not been paid. This area allows you to click on any invoice and keep track of the status. By clicking on the details of any given invoice you can then review notes, reasons and where it is in the process.

Creating a new invoice

  1. Either click the "New Invoice" link on the left hand side of your screen or go to your dashboard and click "Add new invoice"
  2. Select the venue/unit you worked at from the dropdown.
  3. Put in your start and end times using the slider to adjust the times. Please note that if you finish work after midnight this is considered as a new day, e.g. working from 10pm on Friday and finishing at 2am in the morning will be treated as:
    • Start Date 22/03/2013 22:00
    • End Date 23/03/2013 02:00
    This will then display the numbers of hours worked. Please ensure this is correct before proceeding.
  4. Fill in the remaining fields, taking additional care to put the correct value in the Invoice Total field.
  5. By submitting you agree that you are responsible for handling your own taxes with the necessary bodies.

Tracking your invoice

You can track your invoices by clicking "home" and viewing your dashboard and then by clicking "Current Invoices".


If you come across any technical issues or need advice please fill in a contact form and one of our team will come back to you with the information and guidance you need. Alternatively email: finance@externalinvoicing.co.uk.